Dear All
A short report from Monday's committee meeting.
Firstly I would like to say how sorry we all were to hear of the death of Rita Quarterman from Greenwood. Our thoughts and prayers are with Robin and his family at this sad time.
I would then like to thank Pauline for two things. One is for running the Saturday morning get together, which I understand went really well. Secondly for all her hard work with coaching at Sawbridgeworth club. The club are so grateful for all the help they have had and have made huge improvements in the game. If anyone would like to come over and visit the club and see how they have done, we will be there on Wednesday 24th August from 1pm - 3.30pm. Please contact Pauline or myself if you would like directions.
All match dates have now been settled for next season and Jeanette and Darren will be getting the sheets out soon.
Bucks county have thanked us for our support with their competitions. Congratulations to Alan and Sam for winning the Bucks Aussie pairs game.
The match secretary (Darren) has asked if people could return their availability sheets to him within the next week or two.
There will be 12 teams playing in the league this year. We are hoping that the costs will be the same as last year. Rebecca will be sending out a registration form within the next week or two.
We have a get together this Saturday at Elm Court. Please encourage your club members to come along.
On 23rd July there is a summer game also at Elm Court. Please contact Jeanette if you would like to play. Jill has asked for raffle prizes for that day.
Pauline, Darren and Rebecca will represent the county at the ESMBA AGM. Thank you to them for attending. The county has decided to vote "yes" to an increase in ESMBA registration fee by £1. The money is to pay for insurance for all registered members, should they have an accident at a match for which they have been selected to play.
Date for your diary - Saturday 20th August - Charity match at Elm Court, supporting Age UK.. Please encourage all your club members to come and make it a great day. Please contact Jeanette if you would like to play.Once again raffle prizes would be appreciated.
Well I think that is all for now.
Happy bowling everyone and I hope to see you all soon.
Best wishes
PLEASE PRINT this email for your club notice board so everyone knows what is going on.