Hertfordshire County Short Mat Bowling Association - Fees and Charges

Fees and Charges for Hertfordshire Clubs and Members

Administration Fees

Club Administration fee  £20.00

Personal Membership of Hertfordshire Short Mat Bowling Association £3.50
Personal Membership of the E.S.M.B.A. including insurance  £5.00

The above fees are due Annually on the 01st September.

Playing Fees

Tuesday night rollup fees at The Hive/Jimmy Mac's  £4.00
Tuesday Night 'Barnet League' Competition fees  £4.00
Weekend Skills session at Stevenage  £5.00
Summer Games £5.00
I.C.C./County Games £5.00

Entry fee for E.S.M.B.A. National Competitions £6.50
This is a single payment for each competitor to cover all rounds of the competition

The above fees are correct as of our A.G.M. held on the 13th May 2023.

Fees in red are dictated by the E.S.M.B.A, and are subject to change.

Please note anybody wishing to take part in any county organised games or events
are expected to be members of both H.S.M.B.A and the E.S.M.B.A