Firstly - Happy New Year to Everyone.
It was a quick committee meeting and went like this:
Jeanette reported that plans were well ahead for the Aussie pairs on 18th February. We are in need of raffle prizes for the day so please bring along all those unwanted Christmas gifts.
Darren was pleased with how we had done in the ICC competition. Although we are playing in the consolation cup, we were only pushed into third place by 3 points.
We will be playing for the cup on 11th February at Daventry and it would be good if Hertfordshire bowlers could come along to give the team support.
Next year for the ICC we will be playing against Bucks, Northampton and Oxfordshire.
The rinks competition is on 9th/10th December.
In the league 6 games have been played by each division. All seems to be going well.
The president reported that London county are likely to fold in the next few months.
Regarding the accounts, it was decided that we would transfer some money from the current account into the savings account. (Jeanette and Margaret have now done this and we have a healthy balance of £8000 in the savings)
Dates to remember
18th February – Aussie pairs at Elm Court
18th March - Open Gala day at Elm Court, please let Jeanette know if you want to play.
1st April AGM at St Mary’s, Potters Bar. Nominations for the committee and items for discussion need to be with Jeanette by end of February. Please also let Jeanette know if you are coming.
Look forward to seeing everyone soon.
Best wishes