Hertfordshire County Short Mat Bowling Association News story

Website Update!!! Website Update!!!

26 Mar 2018

Dear Members,

Please be advised that this website will be updated by the system supplier in the early hours of Tuesday, 27 March 2018.

There will be no radical change to the website, but there will be some small immediate, unavoidable and obvious changes - notably that the login and registration functions move to the top right of the screen - which members will need to be aware of.

Member password security is also being strengthened for your protection - you may be prompted to reset your password the next time you attempt to log in.

There may also be some impact on the way that some menus, pages, or some elements with a page, display. We will be working through those as they emerge to correct them as soon as possible.

It is possible that some small defects may emerge and we will be looking for these, but feel free to feed back any queries to the Webmaster via the Contacts page.

Once this is in place, there are other developments which we can explore to see if they are useful to the County and the Membership.

Thank you for your patience.