Hertfordshire Short Mat Bowls Association held its A.G.M. at Fairfield on Saturday the 08th June. The A.G.M. was followed by the presentation of the seasons trophies. We had 35 members and three guests attend. Look out for the minutes of the meeting which will be distributed to your club representatives once they are ready. Here are the edited highlights:- Your new I.C.C. manager is Darren Brown. Your new County and Competition Secretary is Darren Stanford. There is an increase to the Administration fees. The Club administration fee has been increased to £20.00 per year and the individual combined E.S.M.B.A. and Hertfordshire fees have been increased to £8.50 per year. The highlight of the evening was the award presentation, Jeanette Gayler and Tony Gayler were both awarded the new Hertfordshire lifetime achievement award. This came as a complete surprise to them as the committee had managed to arrange this without them knowing.

A further surprise was to come. Margaret announced that following some confusion between the Barnet League and our new competition the Barnet Cup it has been decided to rename this new competition as the Gayler Cup. Following the presentation of the remaining trophies, tea and cakes were distributed to all attendees and guests. The cakes were delicious and had all been made by Jeanette Gayler, no wonder she got her lifetime achievement award. In this our 25 anniversary yet another new award was presented. This new award for most improved player and was given to Lisa Miles of Letchworth.