Hertfordshire County Short Mat Bowling Association News story

Herts 22 Cambridge 18

13 Oct 2019

Hertfordshire pulled off another exciting last minute win in the ICC(A) by beating the previously undefeated Group leaders, Cambridgeshire, by 22 points to 18! Hertfordshire needed to win the very last end of the final Four's game when, Skip,  Martin Nash, drove the jack into the ditch to take 2 shots and win the game and the match!

Cambridgeshire took the first session, winning three of the matches to Herts one. Our only winner was Michael West who, back to his best form, controlled his game to win by 13 shots to 8. Bill Gearing fought hard in his first game against a strong Cambridge opponent but was always behind and finally lost 13 -18.  Both the first session pairs were  very close games with  Herts losing both games by just one shot! Julia Bruce and Dennis Mack went down 11 - 12, and Audrey and Brian Fowler lost by 15 shots to 16; both games could easily have gone the other way!

Herts 2 Cambridge 6

The second session was a clean sweep for Hertfordshire who won all four matches. The triple of Jeff Branch, Ros Lewison and Brian McGivern quickly ran up a lead of 9 shots after only 4 ends and continued to dominate their game, winning by 24 shots to 8. Pauline Taylor, Mick Thrush and Alan Spicer had a much harder game and were trailing for most of the first few ends; however their fortunes changed with a 5 on end 9 and a 3 on the last end to win by one shot 15 - 14. Both fours had comfortable wins in this session. Although Eileen Prior, Trevor Knight ( who played exceptionally well in his first match for the County) , Sam Salmon and their skip, Alan Hare were 6 - 2 down after 4 ends, they pulled themselves together to dominate the rest of the game and win  by 16 shots to 7. Cherry Nolan, Jill Quarterman, Margaret Ecclestone were tied 7 all after 7 ends but took seven shots from the final 4 ends to win 14 - 9.

Herts 8 Cambridge Nil

Michael West was again dominant in his  third session singles game and won by 20 shots to 14. However,  Bill had another hard struggle and although he was holding his own, 9 all, after 10 ends, Bill dropped 8 shots in the final 5 ends to lose 10 - 17. Again both pairs games were very close; although leading at the half way stage, Julia and Dennis once more lost by just one shot. Also in the lead at end 10, Brian & Audrey lost by just 2 shots, 13 to 15. Cambridge took all the singles' and pairs' bonus points.

Herts 2 Cambridge10

2 points down, all to play for, Herts needed a good final session to win the match! The two triples finished early with honours even! Brian McGivern's triple continued their good form and had another comfortable win by 17 shots to 9. Alan Spicer's triple had a more difficult time and were always chasing the game, eventually losing 11 - 17; however, Herts managed to secure the triple's bonus points! Alan Hare's four continued their success; winning their game 13 - 8. With the Four's bonus points, more or less in the bag, Herts needed to win the final Four's game to clinch the match! With all the other games having finished, the spotlight was concentrated on Martin Nash's four who were tied going into the last end and one down  when Martin took the mat for his final bowls! Despite the pressure, Martin  forced the jack into the ditch to take two shots, win the game and a well deserved victory in the match!

Herts 10 Cambridge 2

Overall Result: Herts 22 Cambridge 18