Hertfordshire County Short Mat Bowling Association News story

Barnet League Week Two

10 Oct 2023

Week two of the Barnet League and we already have some surprises to report.


Division one

Greenwood Peckers (last year’s division one winners) played Letchworth Pumas. Pumas three of Andrew, Alan S and Alan H took the first end for a triple and followed this with a double. Peckers Penny, Colin and Brian took end three for a single only to see Pumas reply with a further triple followed by a double and a single to go 11 – 1 up after six ends. Peckers took end seven for a double and followed this with a single. Pumas took a single and then with end ten being declared a tie it was 12- 4 to Pumas with five ends to play. Peckers held on for a triple to reduce the deficit to 7 – 12. Pumas then continued their dominance by taking the last four ends for a single a double and two fours taking a substantial win at 23 – 7.

Division two

St Margaret’s Mars played Harpenden Eagles. Eagles triple of Pauline, Denise and Trevor started off by taking a single. Mars team of Brian, Lyn and Derek also took a single. With end three being a tie it was just one all after three ends. End four saw Eagles start a run of ends taking two singles, a double and two triples to go 11 – 1 up after eight ends. End nine saw Mars hold a triple, Eagles came straight back for a single. With the following two ends go for a single apiece it was 13 – 5 to Eagles after twelve ends. Mars then held a double to close the gap. The last two ends went for a single apiece giving Eagles the win at 14 – 8.


Northiam West played Letchworth Tigers. Wests team of Jeff, Margaret and Brian started with a single. Tigers triple of Judith, David M and Margaret then took end two for a five and followed this with a single and a double to go 8 – 1 up after four ends. West held end five for a double, with the following two ends going for a single apiece it was 9 – 4 at the midpoint. Tigers then increased their lead taking three doubles and a single to be 15 – 4 up after ten ends. West held end eleven for a triple. With ends twelve and thirteen going for a single apiece followed by the last two ends going for a double apiece Tigers had the win at 18 – 10.


Well what an exciting second week, watch this space next week for three more exciting games in your Barnet League played at the Hive in Hatfield.