Hertfordshire County Short Mat Bowling Association News story

Charity Gala Day

09 Aug 2015

A very enjoyable day had by all.

Players from Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, London, Suffolk and Surrey took part in a drawn team of 6 competition (Fours & Pairs).

The winning team was made up of Bob Hine, David Gander, Cherry Nolan, Bill Durham & Darren Stanford with 13 Points +39 Shot, and runners up Lucy Tarode, Malcolm Richards, Peter Griffiths, Jill Oakes, John Hurst & Ian with 13 points +20 shots.

The amount raised from the sale of raffle tickets, Lucky Dip and Dutch Auction was £295.00 plus online donations of £322.00 = £617.00
A big thank you to Adrianne West for selling raffle tickets at Cuffley SMBC.

To see more photos of the day go to the photo gallery