Hertfordshire County Short Mat Bowling Association News story

St Margaret's Bowlers at the Annual Club Games

20 Nov 2015

On the 17th November Jeanette, Tony, Margaret, Peter and Darren from St Margaret's represented Team Barnet in the 10th Annual Club Games at the Copper Box, Olympic Park.  The multi-sport event is open to all London Boroughs and in addition to short mat bowls sports include Darts, Badminton, Dominoes, Short Tennis, Table Tennis, Timed Cycling, Timed Swimming and Walking Football.  The St Margaret's players limited themselves to the bowling!

With the mats laid alongside floor to ceiling windows there was a magnificent view across the Olympic Park.  Twelve teams represented London Boroughs, playing 3 games in two leagues.  Some teams had never played short mat bowls before which led to great hilarity and foot faults galore.  Conversely, other teams were experienced and played really well.  Team Barnet, resplendent in their new team shirts, finished second in the competition, losing out on shots difference by just 3 shots.