Dear All
Just a quick update following last nights county committee meeting.
Eileen sent a message to thank everyone again for the plant we bought her. She said it is now in flower and looks lovely.
Jeanette has managed to make all the bookings for Elm Court right up until Sept. 2017.
She will be emailing these dates out to you in the next week or two.
Rebecca clarified that there will be no play off at the end of the League next season but we will work in two divisions. The two bottom teams in division one, at the end of the season, will go down to division two and the two tops teams in division two will go up to division one for the following season.
We will be booking the hall from 7.15 - 9.15pm. Which will reduce the cost of the hall a little and make up for having extra weeks.
Roy will be attending the ESMBA meeting soon and will be settling National dates and competitions for the coming year. Pauline asked him to report that the England Ladies trials were a shambles with very poor organisation and no food.
Pauline will be sending out a copy of the county constitution to all clubs within the next week or so.
Jill asked people to donate raffle prizes for the summer games. So dig out those unwanted Christmas gifts.
It was bought up in discussion at the end of the meeting that the role of Chairperson and Treasurer should perhaps not be held by one person. It was thought there may be a conflict of interest and if there was some complaint re accounts that county members would have no one to contact.
The committee felt overall that this situation could remain for this year and that we would raise it at the next AGM. Please let me know if you disagree with this suggestion and we will bring it to the members at an EGM.
Pauline made a suggestion that one county bowler from a club should be invited to sit in on the selection group in order to see what goes on and to have some input into the selection for ICC games. It would be a different player and from a different club each meeting.
It was hoped that this would give all clubs an idea of the selection process and help to stop some of the whispering and dissatisfaction that happen last season.
Please - if you are unhappy about things - talk to me or another committee member and we will try to resolve issues. Good communication will make for a happier county.
The next committee meeting is 4th July 7.45pm at Elm Court.
If your club does not have a representative on the committee, please think of nominating a player to come along. The meetings are your opportunity to put your club's point of view. It does not have to be the same person each meeting.
Club secretaries, please print this email for your club notice board.
Anyway I think that is all the news from the meeting. I look forward to seeing everyone at Elm Court on 28th May.
Bye for now