Hertfordshire County Short Mat Bowling Association News story

County / National mixed fours qualifiers

01 Oct 2023

County / Nationals Mixed fours at Stevenage


Sunday the 01st October was the first on three counts. Not only was it the 01st day of October it saw our first ever outing at our new county Home at Stevenage to play the first of this seasons County / National competitions. Although only five teams entered there was stiff competition for that top spot. A round robin was held with each team of four playing four eight end rounds. Following Martin Nash’s talk, the play got under way at 10.20. All bowlers found that although we were using the four mats that had been moved from Elm Court they certainly played differently when placed on a flat mat. As play progressed throughout the day our ace press photographer snapped away and the results can be seen In the gallery on the website. By mid afternoon three of the five teams were vying for the top spot. It was all down to the very last game. With the teams of Julia, Toni, Mark and Bill playing Jeanette, Jeff, Jan and Martin it was all down to the last end of the game. With Martin’s team holding on for a draw it was back to the scoreboard to sort out the final results. With only one point separating the top three teams it was all down to that very important shot difference.

The winners were declared as Jeanette, Jeff, Jan and Martin with a score of six points. Second were the team of  Julia, Toni, Mark and Bill with a score of 5 points and a shot difference of plus 28 very closely followed by Audrey, Valerie, Brian and Darren with 5 points and a shot difference of plus 18 points. A fine day had been had by all on our first outing at Stevenage. Our next two events at Stevenage are ICC games then its back to our County / National qualifiers with the triples on the 22nd October.

See you all then.